3. The University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) is an academic community where the pursuit and spread of truth are undertaken according to the highest intellectual and professional standards. It shall always remain faithful to these foundational aims:
- To pursue, through world-class research, an interdisciplinary synthesis of humanistic, professional, scientific, and technical knowledge, inspired by a Christian view of man and sense of life.
- To promote, in an atmosphere of freedom, the integral development of all the members of the University community so that they may work with good will, competence, and team spirit.
- To form committed professionals and encourage them to serve with personal initiative and civic responsibility the community in which they work, thereby helping build just and harmonious social structures.
- To create and spread a culture that strengthens the dignity of the human person and the unity of the family, and that promotes understanding and cooperation among persons of all races, beliefs, and social conditions.
4. To achieve these aims, the UA&P shall:
- Seek to reach a level of excellence in its research and teaching programs that will earn for the University a place among the most prestigious academic institutions in the Asia-Pacific region;
- Adopt advanced research and teaching techniques so as to become a source of innovative forms of learning, as well as contribute to a better balance between the cost and quality of research, communication, and education;
- Adapt its teaching programs, founded upon basic research and the study of the humanities, to the actual needs of a society undergoing progressive change and of a wide region promoting international cooperation;
- Seek, while working closely with other Philippine institutions, wider regional and international recognition so that it can be present in intellectual fora and policy dialogues;
- Strengthen and broaden the avenues for cooperation so that it can effectively contribute to the spread of proper values and people development and obtain from various sectors of society the necessary support to carry out extension work;
- Organize itself in a manner conducive to internal efficiency and effective coordination, while keeping enough flexibility, so as to enable all members of the University community to contribute freely and responsibly to the fulfillment of their common tasks; and
- Strive to attain, as a necessary condition for its autonomous development, a level of economic self-sufficiency that will allow the University to firmly establish itself as a center of academic excellence, to initiate new projects, and to admit well-qualified students from the underprivileged sectors of society.