9. The UA&P shall carry out:
- Research in diverse fields of human endeavor, in accord with scientific and moral norms and aimed at achieving a cultural synthesis that shows the coherence between faith and reason;
- Teaching programs that are founded on research and that lead to higher academic degrees;
- Communication programs that draw from the results of competent research and that enrich culture by harmonizing the diversity of knowledge with the unity of truth;
- Personal development programs that impart professional specialization and expertise, along with a general humanistic culture and an abiding commitment to serve society; and
- Extension programs, particularly in those fields related to the University’s research and teaching activities, that broaden the opportunities of people, particularly the less privileged, to help themselves.
10. To fulfill its tasks, particularly those related to research and teaching, the UA&P demands:
- From its faculty and administrative personnel: the highest level of commitment and professional competence;
- From its students: diligence and the highest standards of excellence in their studies and work, as well as an operative interest in their integral personal formation; and
- From all: a great love for freedom, combined with a deep sense of responsibility and active cooperation for the common good of the University community and society.
11. The UA&P seeks to inculcate in people a firm conviction about work as:
- A proof of the primacy of man over material realities;
- A means of developing one’s personality, especially a spirit of service to others, thus contributing to human progress; and
- An eminently human activity that brings people together and unites them.