The spiritual formation in UA&P is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church. Opus Dei ensures the doctrinal and moral soundness of the other aspects of formation imparted in the University.
Founded by St. Josemaría Escrivá in 1928, Opus Dei strives to spread the universal call to holiness and apostolate. The faithful of the prelature come from different parts of the world.
St. Josemaria’s spiritual legacy underpins the University’s educational principles, which guide all policy and procedural decisions and actions:
Lay spirituality provides the means to enable ordinary men and women to have a deeper appreciation of their faith and be closer to God in the middle of the world.
Freedom of conscience guarantees the right of everyone to express his opinion and hold on to his beliefs, bound only by truth, prudence and charity.
Love for the poor pushes us to go beyond our own concerns and take on the personal responsibility to contribute to the material and moral betterment, especially of those who are in most need in society.
Care for details makes us actively think about the well-being of our colleagues, students, and the rest of the staff, in both intellectual and material realms.
Passionate love for the world helps us value reality and teach and learn deeply its various facets, in unity and coherence, through the different disciplines we teach and learn in school.
Love for the Church and the Pope makes certain our fidelity to the pronouncements of the teaching authority of the Church.
Christian identity marks our common mission in the University of appreciating and understanding our world, ourselves, and God’s mission and destiny for each of us.
Collegiality in governance ensures against tyranny and in favor of deliberation and study in every decision made.
Read more about the Prelature: